face photo



Professor, Dr. Eng.

Department and Division

Division of Analytical and Biological Chemistry, Department of Materials Science and Engineering


Field of Specialization

Main Research Topics and Publications

  1. Wet-Chemical Processing of Ceramics
    Our first research interests are in synthesizing and characterizing high functional inorganic materials, such as solid electrolytes, ceramic fine powders, ceramic thin- and thick- films etc., by using sol-gel methods, EPD, soft-chemical processes.
  2. Chemical Sensor & Fuel Cell Devices
    Our second research interests are in design and development of high-performance chemical sensor devices and/or sytems baased on functional inorganic materials, such as gas sensors with solid electrolyte for NOx, CO2, HCl, O2, etc., ion sensors with ceramics for phosphate-ion, H2O2 etc., and novel sensing sytems for environmental analysis.
  3. Opto-electrochemical Devices
    Our third research interests are in designing novel opto-electrochemical devices, such as photo-luminescence devices with solid electrolyte thin-films, electrochromic ion sensing devices with ceramic thin-films.



Academic Degree

Doctor of Engineering, Kyushu University, Kasuga-shi, Japan

Main Academic Organizations

Professional Career

Academic Awards


Tel. : +81-(0)93-884-3323
Fax. : +81-(0)93-884-3323
E-mail : shims@che.kyutech.ac.jp
URL : http://www.che.kyutech.ac.jp/chem16/
Copyright. 1999-2005 Kyushu Institute of Technology.
All rights reserved.

First Edition: 17 April, 2000
Last Update: 15 April, 2005